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Beyond Business Coaching

Competitive, Agile, Responsible, Entrepreneurial, Sustainable 



Several global studies demonstrate the significance of MSME's to an economy. 

However, MSME's often face challenges for which they are neither adequately equipped nor are they able to access the necessary support.

C.A.R.E.S is a program of targeted training, and coaching, designed to improve MSME performance. The program provides content, best practice and supports implementation.


The objective of the program is to increase MSMEs' potential to access local and global supply chains through:

  1. MSME-specific learning and mastery of Essential and CARES skills  to achieve visible concrete performance improvement

  2. MSME’s understanding of its fit, performance and opportunities within its business environment.

  3. MSME’s Differentiation, competitiveness and access to new business opportunities.

Competitiveness is achieved through productivity and efficiency improvement - in such areas as Planning, Procedures, Operations Excellence 

Agile business refers to the ability to anticipate, innovate and adapt to challenges and changing conditions such as anticipating and leveraging changes in technologies and business trends (key in the current environment)

Responsible business practices involve the implementation, upkeep and/or certification in compliance systems to cover such areas as Risk and HSE.

Entrepreneurial mindset is a pre-requisite and an approach to identifying opportunities and bringing them to being as MSMEs through learning and Innovation.

Sustainable business involves longevity of people, planet, profits and includes Green, Energy and Social Entrepreneurship

C.A.R.E.S also covers Essential Skills, which vary widely but are foundational for MSMEs. These include Cognitive and Productivity skills.


Who Should Participate

  • Micro-enterprises : < 6 workers, assets <35 000USD

  • Small businesses: 6- 25 workers, assets approx 35 000 USD to < 200 000 USD 

  • Medium enterprises: 26-50 workers, assets approx 200 000 USD to 750 000 USD

  • Other businesses with specific related needs



What is on offer

  • Awareness

    • Industry context

    • Business Diagnostic  

  • Training

    • Customized training and development plan for the business

    • Convenient and cost-effective on-line delivery 

    • Online interactive group interaction where beneficial

    • Mentorship sessions

    • General-interest workshops 

  • Support

    • Access to industry best practices

    • Administration, interpretation and feedback on the diagnostic tools.

    • Development of an MSME-specific education plan

    • Hosting of Action Learning/Peer Learning support workshops and communities.

    • Learning Management System and Monitoring and Evaluation of activities 

    • Supportive and collaborative community that care

  • Trust
    •    Signed confidentiality instruments

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